- Chance one's arm
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Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
chance one's arm — ► chance one s arm Brit. informal risk doing something. Main Entry: ↑chance … English terms dictionary
chance one's arm — phrasal Britain : to take a position involving possible or probable disastrous loss * * * chance one s arm ● chance … Useful english dictionary
chance one's arm (or luck) Brit. — chance one s arm (or luck) Brit. informal risk doing something. → chance … English new terms dictionary
chance one's arm — If you chance your arm, you decide to do something even though there is little hope of success. Tony knew there was little hope of getting into Harvard but he decided to chance his arm anyway … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
chance one's arm — phrasal British to take a risk … New Collegiate Dictionary
chance one's arm — verb To take a risk … Wiktionary
chance — ► NOUN 1) a possibility of something happening. 2) (chances) the probability of something happening. 3) an opportunity. 4) the occurrence of events in the absence of any obvious design. ► VERB 1) do something by accident … English terms dictionary
arm-chancing — armˈ chancing noun and adjective see chance one s arm under ↑chance • • • Main Entry: ↑arm … Useful english dictionary
chance — /tʃæns / (say chans), /tʃans / (say chahns) noun 1. the absence of any known reason why an event should turn out one way rather than another, spoken of as if it were a real agency: chance governs all. 2. fortune; fate; luck. 3. a possibility or… …
chance — n., adj., & v. n. 1 a a possibility (just a chance we will catch the train). b (often in pl.) probability (the chances are against it). 2 a risk (have to take a chance). 3 a an undesigned occurrence (just a chance that they met). b the absence of … Useful english dictionary
arm — I. /am / (say ahm) noun 1. the upper limb of the human body from the shoulder to the hand. 2. this limb, exclusive of the hand. 3. the forelimb of any four legged vertebrate. 4. some part of an organism like or likened to an arm. 5. any arm like… …